Employee Onboarding Templates

Onboarding templates form the foundation of employee onboarding in our system. These templates provide a much-needed framework for employee onboarding. After the company's admin calls the Start New Employee onboarding endpoint, the subsequent request is to obtain the list of modifiable templates available in the system.

For each company with its unique company ID, the company's admin creates and onboards a new employee by calling the list of template endpoints, with each template having its unique template ID.

Each template defines who will provide specific information for the onboarding process. There are four active templates in the system which include the following:

  • Full onboarding
  • Onboarding without I-9
  • Onboarding without Miscellaneous and EEO
  • Onboarding without Form 8850

Full Onboarding

In the full onboarding process, the employee completes all the necessary steps required for onboarding. Like in all other available templates, the onboarding process begins when the company's admin completes the first phase of the onboarding.

Onboarding without I-9

You can onboard a new employee using this template if the employee will not complete the I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification Form. Although the onboarding process follows the whole phases that the full onboarding allows, the employee does not provide the I-9 form during their self-onboarding process, and the company's admin does not similarly very the document.

Onboarding without Miscellaneous and EEO

Although similar to the full onboarding, onboarding employees using this template does not require them to report Miscellaneous and EEO identification. The phases call the same endpoints that the full onboarding calls, other than it excludes the Miscellaneous and EEO reporting for the employee during self-onboarding.

Onboarding without Form 8850

When you want to onboard a new employee using this template, you complete the full onboarding process but exclude the new employee's Form 8850. You follow the three phases of onboarding new employees, but in the employee's self-onboarding step, Form 8850 is excluded. Thus, the company's admin does not need to verify the document in the last phase.


Changing templates

You can modify and edit each active templates, as they are there as examples. Similarly, you can create your own specified template by contacting our support.

However, there are four active templates for use currently in the system.

The three-section wizard appears after your company's admin selects whichever suitable template to onboard your newly-hired employee. These sections make up the start of the newly-hired employee onboarding into your payroll system by your company's admin.

Calling this endpoint returns a unique onboarding ID for onboarding the employee. The system then uses this onboarding ID to store that employee's information. To retrieve this information about the employee, you can call the Get Employee endpoint and continue with the employee onboarding process.

Similarly, suppose the company's admin does not want to continue with the onboarding process. In that case, they can make a GET request to the discard onboarding endpoint, which will require the template ID and the company ID as parameters to discard the onboarding.