Update Tax Setup

Worklio Embedded Payroll supports more than 120 different tax parameters. Some of them are for companies, and some of them are for employees. Our API takes the company and employees' locations and information about the home office. and prepare the needed list of tax parameters that need to be filed by companies or employees.

Company Tax Setup

For companies, there are three tax areas in the US: federal, state, and local taxes. Federal taxes are taxes from the federal government, state taxes are taxes from the states, and local are taxes issued by local authorities.

The first call you need to call is the Company Tax Setup endpoint. This endpoint will return a list of tax values you must fill in. Values could be a number or percentage value, combo selection, account number, registration number, or even text code.

The setup endpoint will return you enough information to render proper UI for this, along with captions, descriptions, and in many cases, even with a regular expression for client-side validation and information about item requirements.

In setting up your company's tax entities, you need to provide your company's legal Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), which identifies your company.

You can read more about the Company tax setup here.

Employee Tax Setup

A similar set of endpoints exists on the Employee level - Get Current Tax Setup. The Update Employee Tax Setup Values endpoint updates relevant attributes of federal and state taxes peculiar to the employee.

Our API uses the employee tax setup to calculate the federal and state taxes that will be withheld from the employee's wage on the payroll.

You can read more about the Employee tax setup here.


Numeric format

As there is plenty of different value types, our API expects string format for all of them. Numbers are US localization with a dot as a decimal separator.