Employees Time Off Balances

Employees' time off balances change every time an employee requests time off based on your company's time off policy. This policy determines the balance returned for each employee. To call this endpoint, you must have completed the following steps:

To call this endpoint, you must have the following path parameters defined:

  • Company ID - The company's unique identifier.
  • Employee ID - Unique identifier for the employee.
  • Policy ID - Unique identifier for the Time Off Policy you are requesting balance for.

A successful response returns the following information as an object:

  • BalanceDayOn - This tells for which day the Time Off balance applies. Usually, the system sets this date as the end date of the last regular payroll.
  • Balance - This response is the employee's current total time off balance.
  • AvailableBalance - This is the employee's current available time off balance.
  • TotalUsed - This response is the total amount of time the employee already used.

Common Error Codes

  • 400 'Bad Request' - The request was invalid.
  • 403 'Forbidden' - You do not have the authorization to call the endpoint.
  • 500 'Server Error' - This is not your fault. We are on it!