Form I-9
The company's admin verifies the identity and employee's employment authorization in this step before running the first payroll. The admin verifies the employee's employability; however, the employer or an authorized representative of the employer also completes this form.
Onboarding templates and Form I-9
It is important to note that employers may not always need to verify this form, depending on the onboarding template they have chosen in the first phase of new employee onboarding. If the template selected is one without Form I-9, then the employee does not onboard information about the form and thus, there is no need for the company's admin to verify this form.
The company's admin can complete this step using about six endpoints that the system provides, depending on the employee's information. However, for a successful call of both endpoints, the step status must be in Waiting.
The company's admin verifies and saves the I-9 information that the employee gave during self-onboarding by calling different endpoints. Depending on the legal status and identity of the employee, the endpoints that the company's admin can call include the following:
The employee must have filled in an I-9 form during the self-onboarding. Thus, the company's admin calls this endpoint to retrieve the I-9 form information that the new employee onboarded. However, the admin needs to review and onboard some further details for the updated I-9 form, as the employer must also complete the form.
Information that the company's admin onboards and verifies should include the following:
- Employment Start Date- This is the employee's first day of employment.
- Employee's First Name- This is usually the legal first name of the employee.
- Employee Last Name- This is usually the legal last name of the employee.
- Citizenship- This is the employee's legal status, which may be one of four options that the employee selected during employee self-onboarding.
- I-9 List Type- The list type members are documents that support the employee's citizenship status. It can either be List A or List B and CI-9 list type. Depending on the list type, the employee provides a document type. For List A I-9 type, the system offers two document type options for the employee to select from, after which the admin onboards information such as the Type of Document, Expiration Date, Issuing Authority, and Document Number. For List B and C, the system approves different document types, respectively (different document types for List B and different document types for List C), after which the admin onboards information such as that onboarded in List A above.
- Attestation to the correctness of the information provided.
- Employer's Business I-9- This object should collect information into separate data fields such as Business Name and Business Address.
- Employer or Authorized Representative Information- This is usually an object that stores information such as the Title of the Authorized Representative or Employer, their First Name, and Last name in different data fields.
- Employer Signature Type- This allows methods of signing the I-9 document, which could be Electronically or Manually.
The company's admin calls this endpoint to preview the employee's and employer's I-9 information to be onboarded into the system. Thus, calling this endpoint returns an array of string responses containing the pre-filled information.
Saving Data by Citizenship
Note that, depending on the legal status and identity of the employee, the system provides different endpoints to save the new employee I-9 information. the endpoints are:
- For U.S citizens and Permanent Resident of the United States, the company admin calls this endpoint..
- For Resident Alien citizens, the company's admin calls this endpoint.
- For Non-Resident Alien citizens, the company's admin calls this endpoint to save their Form I-9 information into the system.
After the company's admin has previewed the employee's Form I-9, the admin completes the step by making a PUT request to the Finish Form I-9 Step endpoint. A successful call of this endpoint onboards the employee's I-9 Form information for a successful payroll run.
Updated over 1 year ago